Saturday, December 6, 2014

December 4, 2014 - Fall Home School

So everything is not just fun and games here on Adagio. We have home school, not every day and not specifically on the weekdays but it is happening.  Thought I would share some of the more recent work of the kids. Now, Art is not necessarily meant to distract the teacher from the subject of the day, the kids just thought that would make things interesting.  It is quite fun.  Here are some of the pictures and their thoughts about it all that you will see in their art.
Traditional school- when the kids are at the same table (does not always work so well).
Separation is best but sometimes heat or other situations make it best to be so close!
Home Boat school - EPIRB operation (major emergency situation)

Home Boat School - VHF radio operation

Kevin and Cindy people drawing using geometric shapes.  Think you can tell which one drew each?

Who is this?  Self portrait and all done for fun., not for school but I thought it was cool......

What do you think she is seeing?

nice flowers to distract the teacher!

A pirate ship to distract the teacher......
they keep trying!

Stories now in their lessons......

Stories are now appearing to distract from the lesson of the day.

Enough said.  The kids would rather be out playing!

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